
Your Wedding Realtor!

So, what’s next? Your dream home?

Getting married and buying a home are both huge milestones- both require serious time and effort. There are venues and houses to tour, dresses to pick out, negotiations to be made, and a whole slew of other long- and drawn-out processes. It is vital to have the right professional in your corner.

Our real estate team has over 10 years of experience in negotiating and accounting transactions. We pride ourselves on educating you and empowering you during this process. Beyond that, our main goal is to make this a smooth process for you, taking the stress away and making sure not to leave a dollar on the table as we understand the importance of your bottom line when buying a home while also wedding planning.

With our wedding and real estate services, we like to start off with a detailed consultation and timeline to go over how to balance both or pre/post wedding.

My heart and souls lies in helping people navigate these milestone moments; the largest emotional and financial decisions you will ever make in your lifetime. | 952-250-9514
@BRITHALLORANHOMES | @Juniperandjean
